Guidelines for Preparing Special Section Proposal

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IEEE Sensors Reviews publishes sections of papers in all areas of the field of interests of the IEEE Sensors Council, i.e., the theory, design, simulation, fabrication, manufacturing and application of devices for sensing and transducing physical, chemical, and biological phenomena, with emphasis on the electronics, physics and reliability aspects of sensors and integrated sensor-actuators.
Special section proposals are solicited from contributors at large who are interested and expert in sensors-related areas. Each section of Sensors Reviews is focused on a single topic in sensors and sensor/sensing systems, with attention to much updated technologies.

Information to Provide in a Proposal

A proposal should contain the sections in the followings.

  1. THE SCOPE The scope of the proposed section should be well described to show why the proposed topic is timely and important. An outline of the technical areas in which papers are solicited should be also provided.
  1. WHY THE IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED AREAS IN SENSORS? Provide the reasons why the Sensors Reviews is in particular an appropriate venue for this proposed section.
  1. WHY THESE GUEST EDITORS? A list of guest editors is to be provided in this section. The guest editors should have a good technical standing in the proposed section topic. Also, balance in geographical locations and genders is preferred.
  1. WHY NOW? The timeliness of proposed topic should be ensured to draw a great deal of attention from the related technical societies internationally.
  1. WHO WILL SUBMIT? Provide the information of potential authors and planned approach to ensure a number of submissions of quality contributions.
  1. WHAT IS THE TARGET NUMBER OF ACCEPTED PAPERS? Each section of Sensors Reviews will accept between 8-10 papers, among which there could be 0-2 "invited paper".
  1. THE “CALL FOR PAPERS”. CFP Template Please append an A4 page with your suggestion for the CALL FOR PAPERS announcement. An example of this Call for Papers is attached at the end of these guidelines.

Duties of Guest Editors

The Guest Editors are in charge of the review process and make decisions on which papers to be published.

  1. Solicited and invited papers shall undergo the standard IEEE Journal peer review process.
  2. The guest editors are responsible for soliciting 2-3 independent reviews for each paper.
  3. The guest editors conduct all correspondence with authors and oversee revisions requested by the reviewers.
  4. The guest editors make recommendations for submitted manuscripts.
  5. EiC or AEiC consult with the guest editors, consider their recommendation, and make final decisions on the acceptance of submitted manuscripts.
  6. All guest editors together can submit a review/position paper for your special section. This paper will still go through a peer review process handled by EiC or AEiC.
  7. It is NOT recommended for guest editors to submit any technical paper to their own special section.

Submitting Special Section Proposals

All proposals should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) via email with carbon-copies to Associate Editor-in-Chief (AEiC) as well as all Guest Editors.

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